Stories about people's Für Elise experiences
The Tattoo of Für Elise
This story was submitted by Sonia and was added around September 2010.
I have always loved the piano since I was a child and hope that someday I can learn. When I was young my Mom would play piano music for me to fall asleep and later on in life I still do the same. Music has been an inspiration in my life and helped me deal with a lot of hard times. What makes fur elise so special to me is that its was a tune playing on my first jewelry box I received as a child. It was one of the winding ones and had a spinning ballerina on it and I would play it constantly. This may not be of any interest to you but now, being a 22 year old and being in the age of tatoos I acctually plan on dedicating the upper half of my arms and shoulders to fur elise. I hope soon to find the song in the form of music notes and get this acconmpished.